The Scottish Non-Malignant Palliative Care Forum have asked us to circulate this survey on Anticipatory Care Planning. We would be grateful if you could read the below note from the Forum, and then complete the survey.
The Scottish Non-Malignant Palliative Care Forum is composed of representatives of the professions providing palliative care to patients with non-malignant conditions in all Scottish Health Board areas. The forum aims to facilitate the sharing of best practice, innovation and support the learning and development of those who provide direct or indirect palliative support for patients with non malignant diagnosis.
We are very aware of how busy everyone is but would appreciate your help in sharing your views, understanding and use of anticipatory care plans and advance care planning by completing the following questionnaire:
Your feedback is very much appreciated and vital to help us understand your thoughts regarding some of the key issues in palliative care. It also means we can take action and ensure the relevance of our work.
Please complete the survey online by Friday 25th September 2015.