The QNIS Annual Review 2024 is now available online. The publication features information about the new 2024 Queen’s Nurses – 21 community nurses who completed the Queen’s Nurse Development Programme last year. It also updates readers on what the staff at QNIS have been working on throughout the year, as well as news from contemporary…
Long service recognised by QNIS
We are delighted to have supported a number of long service awards events this year. In total, certificates were awarded to 413 community nurses and midwives who have given 21 years or more of service to the community. These events recognise the invaluable contributions of healthcare professionals who have devoted their careers to the wellbeing…
Celebrating the 2024 Queen’s Nurses
Our annual Queen’s Nurse awards evening took place on Thursday 28th November at the Grassmarket Community Project. The Queen’s Nurse title was awarded to 21 community nurses who completed the nine-month Queen’s Nurse Development Programme (QNDP) this year. We were delighted that retired Queen’s Nurse, Merrill Whalen, and Anne Armstrong, Interim Chief Nursing Officer, were…
QNIS presents long service awards
QNIS Professional Nurse Lead, Emma Legge, was delighted to attend an event at St Mirren Football Club to present long service awards to community nurses and midwives from the Glasgow Shires Health and Social Care Partnership. Professor Angela Wallace, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde’s Board Nurse Director was also at the event, where 70 Long…
Retired Queen’s Nurses gather in Inverness
There was a fantastic turnout at this year’s local gathering of retired Queen’s Nurses (rQNs) in Inverness. Nearly 30 nurses – a mixture of rQNs and other community nurses – enjoyed an excellent afternoon with lots of catching up, Gaelic chat and remarkable friendships, going back 90 years in some cases.
Queen’s Nursing Institute Scotland appoints new Chief Executive and Nurse Director
We are pleased to report that Dr Sarah Doyle has been appointed Chief Executive and Nurse Director at the Queen’s Nursing Institute Scotland (QNIS). Sarah has been working at QNIS for over four years, most recently as Professional Nurse Lead, where she oversaw the development of the charity’s Relational Care Programme. A community mental health…
Clare Cable to leave QNIS
QNIS Chief Executive and Nurse Director, Professor Clare Cable, is leaving the charity in October to join the Burdett Trust for Nursing as its new Chief Executive Officer. Clare joined QNIS in 2014, bringing her experience as a nursing leader in health care improvement and policy. A children’s nurse by background, she was appointed…
Children’s rights and the UNCRC (Incorporation) (Scotland) Act 2024
New resources at NHS Education for Scotland NHS Education for Scotland (NES) has launched a new learning site on Turas about the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC). For Scotland the new UNCRC (Incorporation) (Scotland) Act 2024, which commenced 16th July 2024, supports a proactive culture of everyday accountability for children’s…
QNIS celebrates at two Long Service Awards
QNIS has recently supported two health boards to host Long Service Awards events that recognise community nurses and midwives who have given 21 years of service or longer. The first event was held in Hamilton on behalf of NHS Lanarkshire and the second was held at Gartnavel Royal Hospital for NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde.…
District Nursing today: The view of team leaders in the UK
The Queen’s Nursing Institute (QNI) has published a major national survey of District Nurse Team Leaders. Over 1500 District Nurse team leaders from across the UK, including 145 from Scotland, contributed to the report through an online survey undertaken in 2023. The survey makes extensive comparison with data gathered in 2019, illustrating trends in the…