The International Practice Development Journal have published an article by our Chief Executive and Nurse Director, Clare Cable, examining the Excellence Profile that underpinned the Queen’s Nurse Programme. The article can be read in full, with no paywall or subscription, on the Foundation of Nursing Studies website via, but the Abstract can be viewed below…
Nursing Now: caring for people in their own homes
As part of Nursing Now, QNIS will showcase the wide range of roles involved in community nursing, focusing on those working today, those who have retired and student nurses looking to pursue a career nursing in the community. This is our second feature, following on from the launch. Nursing Now is an international campaign seeking to empower…
2017 Queen’s Nurses eBook
With the return of the Queen’s Nurse title to Scotland, for the first time in almost 50 years, QNIS published a book marking the occasion. This has now been adapted, making an interactive electronic version. Each of the 20 new Queen’s Nurse has a double page feature, chronicling their roles and lives; illustrating the diverse…
Upcoming Event: Releasing potential, improving lives: the global nursing agenda
Nursing Studies at the University of Edinburgh have asked us to highlight this upcoming event: We are delighted to invite you to attend a Nursing Studies Global Nursing Seminar with Jane Salvage. Professor Aisha Holloway and Professor Pam Smith have been working with Jane over the last 18 months specifically exploring the global nursing…
Scottish Government Planning Consultation – QNIS response
Below is our response to the Scottish Government’s recent consultation on Scottish Planning Policy. The Queen’s Nursing Institute Scotland (QNIS) is a charity committed to promoting excellence in community nursing to improving the health and wellbeing of Scotland’s communities. We are pleased to note that health and wellbeing is a central tenet of the draft…
Trustee Vacancies
The Queen’s Nursing Institute Scotland currently has two Trustee vacancies due to retiral and relocation of current Council members. The Institute is exploring new horizons and we are keen to find Trustees to guide and support our journey. QNIS is a fully constituted and independent charity, registered with the Office of the Scottish Charity Regular…
Conversations that Change Lives
On 16th March, QNIS held our annual conference in Glasgow. Conversations that Change Lives was designed to inspire and enable reflection on the ways in which we truly engage with individuals, families and communities. It was a great day, with some outstanding speakers, fantastic workshops and a wonderful group of delegates. We felt that we…
Voices of Experience – Lorna McKechnie
In this interview, Lorna talks about her life and career as a Queen’s Nurse covering a number of communities in the north east of Scotland. She discusses how district nursing has changed over the years, and the importance of developing relationships. Lorna indicates how for her, nursing in the community was about more than dressing…
Mindful Health Questionnaire
The University of Edinburgh are constructing a scale of how health and social care professionals respond to the context of caring, it’s called The Mindful Health Care Scale. They are looking for health and social care professionals of any professional background who have worked with patients in the last five years. The questionnaire measures how…
Voices of Experience – Jessie Hayes
Jessie describes how she came into Queen’s Nursing by circumstance, but how she enjoyed the training, which included the many closes and tenements of the Royal Mile. She recalls the importance of health education, and how new innovations could be revolutionary. She describes the key difference between ward nursing and district nursing, in that on…