Thanks to funding from the COVID-19 Healthcare Support Appeal (CHSA), QNIS is working alongside COPE Scotland and Capacitar on an initiative to explore recovery and resilience with community nurses and midwives as we collectively reflect on the COVID 19 journey so far. We are seeking to engage with you about the barriers you face when it comes to your wellbeing and to explore ways to help overcome these difficulties. This is a year-long project involving many different elements, but we don’t plan to reinvent the wheel.
The dates and time of the sessions are as follows
- Monday 15th November 12noon til 1pm – Register here
- Wednesday 17th November 4.30pm til 5.30pm – Register here
- Saturday 20th November 9am til 10am – Register here
We have offered three dates and times and hope there is something there which suits everyone. The sessions are very informal and relaxed, and we will share some resources at the session which those attending may find helpful to begin with around what already exists as well as keeping you informed of what evolves from the sessions.
It matters that the voices of lived experience are heard in determining what is needed and help shape what that looks like going forward and so, we would be delighted to invite you to a conversation to share your lived experience of being a community nurse and what would help support your wellbeing, and the barriers that get in the way.
The wellbeing resource kit for nurses November 2021 is being co-produced so far with QNIS & Capacitar Scotland and supports COPE Scotland’s ‘More Choices for More People project’ as those who care for others wellbeing also matters. For more information on this project visit COPE Scotland. The nurses resource booklet shall be updated to reflect what we learn listening to you.
You care about others; we care about you. If you can’t make a session, but still want to find out more, please email:
You matter too and the COVID-19 pandemic has added even more challenges which we need to face, it matters even more we look after ourselves too.
Download copies of the below self-care resources: