Attending the QNIS Community nursing conference has given me encouragement and motivation as a nursing student nearing registration. I feel that the most important learning which I gained as a result of attending the conference was that of the impact that I as an individual can have on the experiences people have of healthcare. We heard from speakers who clearly had a great passion for nursing and healthcare and this really came through during the conference.
Healthcare is greatly influenced with a top down approach, with managers and people in high up positions having the greatest influence. However I feel that it is us at the frontline of services who have the potential to make the greatest impact to care. We heard from Brendan and Rachel about how we as nurses can make changes to healthcare for the better by holding onto our values as nurses. We also heard from Sally of her experience as a family member with a loved one requiring healthcare. The value and importance of person centered care has been greatly integrated into all aspects of my undergraduate education and I found it highly motivating to hear from each speaker at the conference who all clearly shared this value.
With regards to nursing in the community, I feel that this learning is so relevant and will be highly influential throughout my nursing career. A culture of routine for completing tasks can exist, but we as nurses can be in such a privileged position to break away from this routine and make the most of every encounter we have with people. We were encouraged during the conference to think outside the box and challenge the status quo when it comes to old fashioned ways of thinking and working and this message is one of the most important I gained from the conference.
Take home message:
- We are the next generation of nurses and can have a great influence over the culture within healthcare. It is so important to hold onto values and appreciate the person. The only way things will change is with fresh new ideas and it is so important to not be afraid to voice ideas and try new things to constantly improve healthcare for the people receiving care.