QNIS Chief Executive and Nurse Director, Clare Cable is one of the co-authors of a timely article in the International Journal of Birth and Parent Education which considers the merits of folic acid fortification. Other co-authors include Professor Sir Harry Burns, Dr Jonathan Sher, and Dr Philippa Whitford MP.
The article discusses how in the upcoming revision of food regulations, the UK Government has the opportunity to prevent the vast majority of Neural Tube Defects (NTDs). Yet, despite criticisms, it continues proposing an inadequate approach. NTDs are major congenital malformations that cause fetal deaths or serious lifelong, life-limiting disabilities. They can, however, largely be prevented by ensuring that women of child-bearing potential have a sufficient intake of folic acid prior to pregnancy.
Although the Government has finally accepted the case for fortification with folic acid, its ‘half-baked’ proposal is to add Vitamin B9 only to non-wholemeal flour and only at a very low level. By its own admission, the UK Government estimates its fortification plan would prevent only 18-22% of NTDs, whereas fully effective fortification could prevent 80%.
The authors of the article are calling on the UK Government to change its mind and adopt of more effective approach to fortification.
You can read the article here.
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