The management of type 2 diabetes in Primary Care has become increasingly complex. We are challenged by rapidly rising incidence of diabetes and its complications, we are seeing increasingly complex patients with multi-morbidity, and there has been an explosion in new classes of drugs. A course has been developed, and the flyer is available here.
The day will consist of a series of short ‘Ted-style’ engaging presentations blending evidence and cases, followed by discussion which may have an impact on your practice. The course comes with a number of extra resources to give it incredible ‘added value’
- A fully referenced diabetes workbook with recent summaries of the evidence for the management of type 2 diabetes most commonly seen in primary care. All of the material is up to date and the material is completely 100% independent from any external influence.
- 12 months access to the on-line electronic version of the book which is instantly searchable. All the original references and resources for GPs and patients e.g. patient information leaflets are hyperlinked and just one click away.
- A CPD tracker with which you can track your CPD, including external CPD and your work with the book. At the end of the year with just one click it will collate all of this into a single PDF summary for your appraisal
- All the necessary forms and tools you need for appraisal
This is open to all GPs and Practice Nurses, please do pass this onto your colleagues who may not have received it directly.
Date: Wednesday 7 September 2016
Venue Carlton Hotel, 19 North Bridge, Edinburgh, EH1 1SD
Times: Registration and coffee 8.30am – 9.30am
Course starts 9.30am
Finishes 5.00pm
Link to online details and booking: