The University of Edinburgh are constructing a scale of how health and social care professionals respond to the context of caring, it’s called The Mindful Health Care Scale. They are looking for health and social care professionals of any professional background who have worked with patients in the last five years. The questionnaire measures how health and social care professionals respond to their work. Some of the items for example are:
- I know what motivates me in my work with clients
- It is important for me to try and make a difference for my clients
- I try hard to avoid thoughts about my therapeutic work
- Worries about my abilities as a helping professional get in the way of my work
- If I have a bad day at work, I can step back and see the bigger picture
The survey also asks you about work stress, engagement in activity, and other aspects of coping, background, etc. There is a full information sheet at the beginning of the study.
The survey takes about 15 minutes to complete, please click here to take part:
Please do forward this to health professionals in your networks, we are looking for a sample of around 200 people.
David Gillanders
Academic Director
Doctoral Programme in Clinical Psychology
School of Health in Social Science
University of Edinburgh
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