In the QNIS office, we have all recently downloaded the My Home Life app for our phones. While it has been developed in the care home sector, the messages will resonate with all of those involved in health and care across Scotland and beyond.
Read more about the My Home Life initiative in Scotland and across the UK.
Each Monday, those signed up to the (free) App will receive a message; it may be a thought, a top tip, an action or a question. The words in the messages have been developed from our learning across the four nations of the UK about what makes a difference to enhancing the quality of lives of those living, working and visiting care homes.
The text will be accompanied by an image. It’s hoped that these messages will be a source of surprise, encouragement and support to those who receive them on a Monday morning. It has certainly provided a welcome Monday morning boost to some!
Everyone is welcome to sign up for this free app, it would be great if you let residents, relatives, colleagues, family and friends know about it.
We hope you enjoy them and feel able to use them to prompt discussion and innovation.
Anyone interested in signing up for this app can do so by following the instructions below:
The apps can be downloaded, for free, from the Google and Android app stores.
Android: Access on Android is via the Google Play app store from the Android mobile phone by searching for “My Home Life”. The developer is recorded as SCET.
Google: The Google Apps store can be browsed online and with a google account, apps can be remotely installed. Here is a link
iOS: In a similar way the iOS app can be found by browsing the itunes or Apple app store from an iPhone or iPod touch. If using iPad select ‘iPhones only’ in top left hand corner of App store. Please note that message appears slightly altered on iPad compared to mobile phones.
(Unfortunately this app is currently unavailable with Windows phones).