Rosie Crighton Operational Lead Nurse NHS Grampian In what way has the Queen’s Nurse programme made a difference to how you practice? The Queen’s Nurse Programme has given me the confidence to be bold and brave, and to meet challenges in a more constructive way. I have been able to work directly with patients in custody and…
Criminal Justice Nurse/Prison Nurse
Lisa Benson
Lisa Benson Prison Nurse Team Lead in Substance Misuse HMP Grampian, Aberdeenshire I was originally drawn to emergency nursing because it’s fast paced with lots of variety and lots of learning opportunities. After my nurse training, I travelled abroad and worked in a medical surgical unit. Once I had my children, I worked in a…
Inger McGowan
Inger McGowan Community Justice Nurse The Willow Centre, NHS Lothian Community nursing was a journey to where my clients were, I don’t even think it was a choice. I’ve been in Scotland for seventeen years now, but I was born and raised in the Netherlands. As early as age eleven I knew I wanted to…
Jess Davidson
Jess Davidson Jess in the news Jess awarded top honour The custody suite below St Leonard’s Police Station in Edinburgh can be an intimidating environment: windowless corridors are lined both sides with thick metal doors, well-worn whiteboards bearing the names of the people behind them. There is a busy charge bar, where people who have…
Moving On
This project is an evaluation of a Community Psychiatric Nurse-led, public and social partnering practice-based study, aimed at helping people make the transition from homelessness care services to local community networks.
Sunday Choices
This project seeks to provide outreach workers from SACRO (Scottish Association for the Care and Resettlement of Offenders) Edinburgh to engage with people who are in Police Custody. The aim will be to improve the health and wellbeing of those who have spent a weekend in custody who are in great need of support, and who would otherwise be hard to reach.