Mairi Smith Macmillan Advanced Clinical Nurse Specialist/ Team Leader NHS Western Isles In what way has the Queen’s Nurse programme made a difference to how you practice? The Queen’s Nursing programme has increased my confidence and made me more connected with my own values. It has made me more assured about my own leadership and has inspired…
Specialist Nursing
Kerys Russell
Kerys Russell Advanced Clinical Nurse Specialist – Upper GI Cancers NHS Fife What are the skills/expertise you need to work as an advanced cancer nurse specialist? The cancer nurse specialist is often a key, constant person throughout a patient’s cancer journey, striving to deliver holistic, person-centered care in a sensitive and compassionate way. The nurse specialists are…
Lynda Bryceland
Lynda Bryceland Advanced Practice Respiratory Clinical Nurse Specialist NHS Ayrshire and Arran What inspired you to work in the community? The transition from specialist nursing in secondary care to community brought its own challenges but I have immersed myself in addressing these. The geography of Ayrshire can make accessible, specialist healthcare difficult. I am in…
Kerry Anderson
Kerry Anderson Nurse Consultant Learning Disabilities NHS Grampian Kerry always knew she wanted a career in a caring profession, but it was by chance that she discovered the inspiration for her future. “I’m sure everyone says this, but even at a young age I knew I wanted to make a difference. I had placements at…
Karen Drummond
Karen Drummond Community Charge Nurse – Perinatal Mental Health Service NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde I have worked in the Perinatal Mental Health Service for seven years now. Initially as a staff nurse in the mother and baby unit and now as a psychiatric nurse in the community team. Working in the community enables me…
James Hill
James Hill Advanced Nurse Practitioner within Addiction Services NHS Ayrshire and Arran My inspiration came from supporting and caring for my sister. My mum was the main carer, but I took her to see doctors, specialists and to her hospital appointments. Research says that people recover better at home. In a more relaxed environment, they…
Steve Mullay
Steve Mullay Dementia Clinical Nurse Specialist Shetland I came into my present role around eight years ago when I joined an innovative nurse-led service to assess, diagnose and treat people with dementia. The service, which is part-funded by Alzheimer Scotland, arose from a redesign led by NHS Shetland and Shetland Islands Council. I work across the…
Maggie Wilkieson
Maggie Wilkieson Macmillan Nurse Campbeltown I live on the island of Gigha and travel by ferry to Campbeltown where I work as Community Macmillan Clinical Nurse Specialist, caring for people in their homes as well as in our local community hospital. My ‘patch’ is almost the whole of the narrow peninsula of Kintyre, plus the Island of Gigha, with a total population around 9,000 people. I am extremely lucky to live…
Gayle Ridge
Gayle Ridge Health and Homeless Charge Nurse South Ayrshire My post within the South Ayrshire Community Mental Health Team covers five hostels and several hundred temporary furnished homeless flats and I work with any individual experiencing homelessness or at risk of homelessness. Geographically, South Ayrshire is semi-rural and the issues that clients present with are as…
Kirsten Kernaghan
Kirsten Kernaghan Sexual Health Nurse Edinburgh I have been working in the area of sexual health with a focus on young people now for the past 16 years. My current role is as an Advanced Nurse Practitioner based at NHS Lothian’s Chalmers Sexual Health Service in the centre of Edinburgh. We work hard to ensure we provide services in…