The final report of this completed project is now available to download here. For an introduction to the project from the preliminary stages, see below.
Project aim
To design and pilot a pathway for delivering integrated support between the NHS and the Third Sector to people at risk of cancer-related lymphoedema.
- Increased knowledge of nurses in the community about lymphoedema identification and self-management support for those at risk of lymphoedema associated with treatment for breast, genito-urinary cancer and melanoma.
- Increased number of people affected by cancer related lymphoedema participate in the Haven Healthy Lymphatics course to increase their skills and confidence in reducing their risk of lymphoedema.
- A pathway for referral to The Haven lymphoedema support is established for use by community nursing teams, practice nurses and GPs in the Wishaw area.
A feasibility developmental study using a mixed methods approach including:
- Development of two screening tools for early identification of upper body and lower body cancer-related lymphoedema, based on review of relevant research and practice evidence.
- Collaboration with community-based nurses in the Wishaw area to design and deliver lymphoedema information sessions and resources for NHS staff to promote early identification of lymphedema and referral to the Healthy Lymphatics course.
- Development of the Healthy Lymphatics 3 hour course for patients at risk of cancer-related lymphoedema.
- Identification of the pathway for patients from the community and acute services into the lymphoedema support at The Haven in Wishaw and Blantyre.
Community nurses, practice nurses, and specialist cancer and palliative care nurses working within the Wishaw locality.
Patients at risk of lymphoedema as a result of treatment for breast, genito-urinary cancers or melanoma.
Outcome measures
Evaluation of information sessions for community nurses using a simple questionnaire.
(Evaluation of Health Lymphatics sessions for patients using self-report rating scales- this could require ethics so we need to reword what we do with patients?).
Focus group or individual semi-structured interviews with community nurses to explore experiences of using the screening tools and pathway.
Collate numbers attending professional information sessions, Healthy Lymphatics sessions and referred to Haven self-management courses (funded from another source).