Andrea Wyllie
Chief Executive
Greenock Medical Aid Society (GMAS)
“Looking back, I felt I had to stretch myself far beyond my comfort zone because people’s lives were on the line, but I didn’t always have the confidence you might have expected. When I was selected for the QN Programme I was really surprised, always waiting for someone to realise their mistake and pull the rug from under my feet!”
“Some of my guiding principles are about listening – to staff, residents, and stakeholders. My vision for co-productive working is significant but effectively evidencing and communicating that vision is even more vital. It’s only when everyone can visualise the end goal that we can implement new systems that result in positive change for those in our care.”
“When I first started at GMAS everything was paperwork, with no online systems or Wi-Fi. I knew that modernising the administration would require major upheaval and some convincing but being a Chief Executive means knowing the impact that accounting software and systems have on care. You must be mindful of staff comfort and retention, and you need good record keeping ensuring issues are documented and care plans are accessible.”