Clare Bates
Professional Lead Nurse
NHS Lanarkshire
In what way has the Queen’s Nurse programme made a difference to how you practice?
The Queen’s Nurse Programme has had a profound impact on my practice. I have been provided with space to consider my values and beliefs as a person, nurse and leader. It has instilled an ethos of self-compassion and kindness whilst strengthening my belief in reflective practice. A large part of my role of professional lead nurse is to develop and support community nurses. The programme encouraged the compassionate trait of listening deeply to understand which I have utilised, creating safe, supportive spaces for supervision. I have developed in confidence, finding my voice to ask the professionally curious questions. These courageous conversations would not have been possible had it not been for the lessons I have learnt in vulnerability from everyone I have met along this journey.
A leader first and foremost, is human. Only when we have the strength to show our vulnerability can we truly lead.