Heather Duff
Community Learning Disability Nurse
NHS Lothian
“I wanted to be a learning disability nurse. I was quite clear in my aspiration that I wanted to be able to work with people in their own homes, in the uniqueness of their own environment.”
“The thing about Community Learning Disability Nursing is that you are constantly learning – you come across new things continually to extend your learning. It doesn’t matter how experienced you are, education is lifelong. It is the perfect role for me as I don’t like to be bored.”
“I am very proud to be able to evidence lifelong learning with senior managers investing in me to undergo the clinical doctorate and QN programme.”
“To be part of the learning disability cohort within Queen’s Nursing is incredibly exciting. To have a group of us from across Scotland really raises our profile within learning disability nursing and within the board areas where we work. The group aspires to promote more recognition about the health needs of people with learning disabilities. I am passionate about reducing health inequalities and being able to “bridge the gap” for people to access services where appropriate.”
“The skills I bring to the role is providing a comprehensive, holistic nursing assessment combined with leadership skills and expertise in case co-ordination to effectively advocate and empower people with learning disability, families, and carers to have a voice to support their health and social care needs to be met.”