Mairi Smith Macmillan Advanced Clinical Nurse Specialist/ Team Leader NHS Western Isles In what way has the Queen’s Nurse programme made a difference to how you practice? The Queen’s Nursing programme has increased my confidence and made me more connected with my own values. It has made me more assured about my own leadership and has inspired…
Western Isles
Annie MacDonald
Annie MacDonald District Nurse from the Isle of South Uist Western Isles Working in the community appealed to me because I wanted to be able to look after people in their own homes. I previously worked in intensive care and thought that I would benefit from a less acute environment where I could provide a…
Coleen Mcleod
Coleen Mcleod Coleen Mcleod works as a Substance Misuse/Mental Health Liaison Nurse for NHS Western Isles and is persistent in her approach to providing and enhancing recovery care across Lewis and Harris. My Journey I didn’t start off wanting to be a nurse. My family are all nurses and I thought I wanted to do…
Debra Vickers
Debra Vickers Debra Vickers, the NHS Western Isles Nurse Consultant for Cardiology, and her small team are working to transform the way heart disease is managed in a remote and rural island setting. The nurse-led services she and her team have developed are delivering world-class care, and preventing deaths from heart disease. “Without the input…