Health Secretary Shona Robison has set out the blueprint for health and social care in Scotland over the next 10 to 15 years. The National Clinical Strategy, which outlines plans to deliver a range of improvements and reforms to modernise the way care is provided.
This long-term plan takes into account Scotland’s ageing population, the shift to more multidisciplinary working and rapid advances in research and technology, in order to make sure it supports the needs of this generation, and generations to come.
The National Clinical Strategy outlines:
- The need to provide more care where people need it, with as much care as possible delivered locally
- The transformational change taking place within primary care, which will be delivered by multi-disciplinary teams with strong links with local authority social services
- That to give patients the best possible outcomes, complex treatments may be delivered in specialist centres, with follow up treatment available locally
- The importance of supporting patients to fully understand and manage their health needs, with a focus on rehabilitation and independence
This strategy is very promising for community nursing, with acknowledgement of the importance that Multi-Disciplinary Teams and Advanced Nurse Practitioners have within the health and social care moving forward.
For the full Scottish Government press release, please click here.
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