Final impact report of the Delivering Dignity Programme.
Delivering Dignity
Our Delivering Dignity programme was launched in 2012, alongside our funding partners, the Burdett Trust for Nursing, with the aim of demonstrating how innovative research can protect and enhance the dignity of older people, and improve their healthcare experience.
Six projects were selected for funding, and each drew to a close during 2014. For further information about each project, please click on the links below.
At our Annual Conference on 26th March 2015, we were pleased to be able to launch 'Telling the Story', Impacts of the Delivering Dignity Programme in Scotland, the final impact report of the Delivering Dignity Programme.
While each detailed final report is also available on this page, the Impact Report tells the story of each project in a clear and accessible format.
If you would like a physical copy of our Delivering Dignity Impact Report, please contact the QNIS office.
Being Mindful of the Carers
This award-winning project aimed to pilot a Mindfulness based Cognitive Therapy programme to carers of people with dementia and assess its effectiveness.
Drink to Reduce INfection risK-up – A dignified approach to preventing urinary tract infection in older people resident in care homes
Urinary tract infection is the most common type of infection in care homes for older people; this project tested an intervention designed to increase the residents’ fluid intake, and evaluate its effectiveness.
Enhancing dignity through relational caring conversations
This Project aimed to celebrate and develop human interaction that promotes dignity between community nurses, residents and families in care homes.
Food for Thought: enhancing dietary preferences for the person with advanced dementia
The aim of this project was to enhance the dignity of older people with advanced dementia using innovative methods to facilitate their food and drink choice.
Living Well with Dementia: Enhancing Dignity & Quality of Life, Using A Novel Intervention, Dignity Therapy
Dignity Therapy is a brief intervention that enhances the lives of people at the end of life; this project aimed to determine its effectiveness with people with early dementia.
Raising Awareness of Sensory Impairment report
Raising Awareness of Sensory Impairment report
Raising awareness of sensory impairment with nurses working in the community
Sensory impairments pose a threat to older people’s sense of dignity, and this project aimed to raise awareness, to nurses working in the community, of the information, support and advice available to people with sight and hearing loss in the Western isles.