Capacitar Training | > 10min

Episode 3 – Capacitar

Capacitar is a Spanish word meaning empower.

And that’s certainly what Capacitar does for all those who take part in the programme. It has the strapline Healing Ourselves, Healing Our World.

Clare Cable speaks to Reverend Ali Newell from Capacitar Scotland about what Capacitar is, who it’s for and how it works.

Key Takeaways

Capacitar is a global grassroots movement founded by Dr Pat Cane.

It involves a variety of self care practices from Tai Chi, breath work all the way to head and finger holds. They can be performed on yourself or others.

The popular education approach of Capacitar means that rather than positioning themselves as experts or gurus, practitioners share what works for them in a spirit of humility and open collaboration.

The practices are not about perfection, rather taking the time out and doing them.

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