Chloe Richardson Learning Disability Community Charge Nurse NHS Forth Valley What difference has the programme made to how you practice? I feel very lucky and privileged to be a part of the Queen’s Nurse journey. The programme has not only made me a confident practitioner, it has allowed me to also enable others to also…
Jill Wright
Jill Wright Service Manager NHS Tayside What difference do you hope to have on the health and wellbeing of those you care for? Within drug and alcohol services we see people who have experienced such traumatic lives, that at all hope can feel lost. The impact of all of this can see people lose lives prematurely, impacting on…
Mairi Smith
Mairi Smith Macmillan Advanced Clinical Nurse Specialist/ Team Leader NHS Western Isles In what way has the Queen’s Nurse programme made a difference to how you practice? The Queen’s Nursing programme has increased my confidence and made me more connected with my own values. It has made me more assured about my own leadership and has inspired…
James Sweeney
James Sweeney School Nurse Team Leader NHS Lanarkshire In what way has the Queen’s Nurse programme made a difference to how you practice? The Queens Nursing Programme has had a massive impact on me personally and professionally. It has been a journey of discovery of confidence and what type of person and leader I aspire to be. …
Leanne Patrick
Leanne Patrick Gender Based Violence Nurse Specialist NHS Fife What inspired you to work in the community? I knew very quickly into the nursing degree that I wanted to work in the community. I’m interested in preventing and reducing the impact of trauma on the mental and physical health of people throughout their lives through…
Kerys Russell
Kerys Russell Advanced Clinical Nurse Specialist – Upper GI Cancers NHS Fife What are the skills/expertise you need to work as an advanced cancer nurse specialist? The cancer nurse specialist is often a key, constant person throughout a patient’s cancer journey, striving to deliver holistic, person-centered care in a sensitive and compassionate way. The nurse specialists are…
Kerri-Ann Roberts
Kerri-Ann Roberts Operational Lead, North Highland Vaccination Team NHS Highland What difference do you hope to have on the health and wellbeing of those you care for? I want to be a part of wider system change, working towards delivering equitable services to our remote and rural Highland communities who can often feel left behind and forgotten by…
Claire Pearse
Claire Pearse Midwife NHS Tayside What difference do you hope to have on the health and wellbeing of those you care for? I have an opportunity as a midwife, to make a difference with every family that I meet. I look after women from many different backgrounds and feel very passionate that the inequality of care provision is…
Jena Davies
Jena Davies Lead Nurse Mental Health and Learning Disability NHS Dumfries and Galloway What inspired you to work in the community? I qualified in 2003 where my nursing journey began working in Secure Mental Health Services. I absolutely loved my job however often those I worked with had missed opportunities for earlier intervention that may…
Fraser Chalmers
Fraser Chalmers Specialist Practitioner District Nurse NHS Lothian What inspired you to work in the community? I always knew I was destined to work in the community as a District Nurse. My Mum is a District Nurse and always inspired me with her commitment and passion for community nursing as I was growing up and…