‘’This year for Mental Health Awareness Week, we’re focussing on stress. Research has shown that 16 million people experience a mental health problem each year, and stress is a key factor in this.
By tackling stress, we can go a long way to tackle mental health problems such as anxiety and depression, and, in some instances, self-harm and suicide. We will look at how we can tackle stress and help improve our mental health. ‘’ https://www.mentalhealth.org.uk/campaigns/mental-health-awareness-week
Caring for our mental and emotional wellbeing is something we should consider every day. Events like Mental Health awareness week remind us to do this, and maybe to consider what else can we do?
There can be so many potential stressors in our lives, both external and internal. External for example, through increasing work pressures we feel we have no control over. Internal, knowing we should make some time to relax and destress, but never take the time to get around to it.
Time and what needs to be done in that time can be something we all feel puts pressure on us, so, this blog will be short and sweet. During Mental Health Awareness week, take even 5 minutes to think about something you could do for you, to help manage your stress. If you do not look after you, it is even harder to care and look after others, so having some me time isn’t selfish, its essential. Here are some simple ideas, which take 5min or less:
- Read the tips to manage stress sheet.
- Follow this link to a 3min relaxation exercise http://www.cope-scotland.org/index.php/component/easyblog/this-video-is-a-reminder-of-how-to-switch-off-for-a-few-minutes?Itemid=437
- Stop, for 5 minutes, just stop what you are doing and find something to give your full attention to, a flower, new buds on the trees, clouds in the sky. Let your breathing find its natural rhythm, don’t breathe too fast or slow, just breath naturally. Imagine for a moment, you had a heavy load and were able to put it down. For 5 minutes, just stop, and be in the moment.
- Do a wee stress test here is a link to one http://wellbeinginfo.org/list/stress-test/ designed by the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy for National Stress Awareness Day
- Register for COPE Digital newsletter or follow on twitter @COPEScotland as we offer free online wellness materials, which are being developed and added to all the time.
Nurses are finding themselves under increasing pressures, often improvements are aimed at improving the care for people who are accessing our services, however, during mental health awareness week 2018 please think about you too. To offer the best to people in our care, we need to be at our best. Managing stress can help us achieve a better quality of professional and personal life. Start simple. During Mental Health Awareness week, make 5min for you, and see how you can make that something you do every day. https://www.rcn.org.uk/clinical-topics/patient-safety-and-human-factors/professional-resources/stress-and-fatigue
Remember you count too…………….
Hilda Campbell
COPE Scotland
QNIS Trustee