The QNIS was established in 1889, following Queen Victoria’s Golden Jubilee. It was originally the Queen’s Jubilee Institute for Nursing. For 80 years, we trained Queen’s Nurses who provided care for people at home.
In 2017, after a break of almost 50 years, the QNIS reintroduced the Queen’s Nurse title to Scotland. Executive Nurses across Scotland from the NHS, third and independent sectors were asked to nominate expert practitioners. Successful candidates took part in a nine month programme of workshops and coaching whilst working on a development project and the first awards were made in November 2017. Further information can be found here.
The original Queen’s Nurses continued to work in Scotland until recently, with the last Queen’s Nurse retiring in 2014. We still maintain contact with almost 400 retired Queen’s Nurses, providing them fellowship and support. Further information on our welfare can be found here.