On 25th October, delegates from Police Scotland, social work, trading standards, health boards, charities and beyond attended an event at the Grassmarket Centre in Edinburgh. We are grateful to YOTI, TrueCall and the Burdett Trust for Nursing for sponsoring the event.
The purpose of the seminar was to raise awareness of financial abuse amongst health and social care leaders, and to begin a conversation allowing community health and care staff to engage more fully in effective and creative inter-agency working across Scotland, to protect vulnerable adults from abuse.
Through presentations and group discussions, delegates were updated on the latest research and policy in the area, and then discussed how to work collaboratively to take the work forward into the future. In particular, the free workbook for community nurses was highlighted, which offers support. This workbook was funded by the Burdett Trust for Nursing. QNIS has developed a short Scottish specific piece which highlights the relevant bodies and legislation. This document should be dealt with in tandem with the workbook. Both are available to download here, but hard copies can be requested from QNIS or from NCPQSWPP.
Our speakers have given us permission to provide their presentations, along with any resources they mentioned on the day, and also filmed a short video, describing the key points of their presentations. All can be found below.
Following the seminar, a number of wheels are in progress:
Clare Cable had an article published in the Big Issue.
Citizens Advice Scotland has launched a Financial Health Check service for Scotland, targeted at low income families and older people (but available to all). An Information Sheet and flyer are available
The Financial Health Check is delivered by the Citizens Advice Network in Scotland and backed by the Scottish Government. It aims to motivate low income families and older people to seek financial advice to maximise their income by ensuring that they are getting all the benefits, grants and exemptions (council tax, energy) to which they are entitled. It also allows them to access support and impartial advice where they need to e.g. debt advice. There are around half a million Scots not claiming all the support they are entitled to. But one call to the free phoneline on 0800 085 7145 is all it takes for families to find out what they are eligible for. Clients can also access the service face-face at any local bureau across Scotland.
The service is open to everyone, but especially targeted at:
- Single parent families
- Families which include a disabled adult or child
- Larger families
- Minority ethnic families
- Families with a child under one year old
- Families with the mother is under 25 years of age
- Older people and those approaching retirement
Find more information at https://www.cas.org.uk/spotlight/financial-health-checks or call 0800 085 7145