Currently, there are no Queen’s Nurses operating in the area of Learning Disability Nursing.
However, below are a number of profiles of Learning Disability Nurses in order to offer examples of different roles under Learning Disability. These were collected by the Scottish Learning Disability Nurses Network, to whom we are grateful.
“Approximately one and a half million people in the UK have a learning disability. Research indicates that they are more likely to experience poor physical and mental health; more likely to face health inequalities and more vulnerable to neglect, abuse and persistent offending.
In 2019, Learning Disability Nursing is celebrating its centenary. This presents a key opportunity to recognise the contribution of learning disability nurses (LDNs) and to promote the profession as a positive career choice at a time of severe recruitment challenges. The person-centred, holistic approach adopted by LDNs leads to improved health outcomes and an enhanced experience for patients with learning disabilities, their families and carers.”
Burdett Trust for Nursing
Caroline Gill | Heather Duff | Isla McGlade |
Kerry Anderson | Lorraine Jackson | Norah Arnott |
Peter Old | Sam Abdulla | Steve Wright |
Zoe Watt | Catriona Jamieson | Scott Taylor |