As part of Workforce Scotland’s Fire Starter Festival, COPE Scotland is hosting an event seeking to discuss the concept of psychologically safe places where people could come together and discuss where things don’t go as planned or where it’s a nice idea in principle but in reality there are factors which we need to acknowledge and find ways to work round or nothing will change, or share an idea or concern without feeling criticised or judged, there are several areas of interest:
- Creating psychologically safe places in therapeutic relationships
- Creating psychologically safe places in co design and production so people don’t fear being judged or having ideas criticised or mocked by others
- Creating psychologically safe places in groups to manage negativity while ensuring the energy of the group as a whole is not drained by this
- Creating psychologically safe places in team meetings so people can have open conversations
- Creating psychologically safe places for people in management or leadership roles where they feel supported not blamed
- Creating psychologically safe places in supervision
- Creating psychologically safe places in how we report to funders
- Helping people explore creating psychologically safe places in their own home and relationships with others
- Psychological safety and quality improvement
- And more…
The date and time is 24th January 9am-2.30pm and the venue is COPE Scotland 20 Drumchapel Rd G15 6QE, its free and of particular interest to people perhaps working in health and social care who would value a confidential place to explore how workers wellbeing and psychological safety can be met so they are then more able to help meet others wellbeing and psychological needs
To register use Eventbrite please
We have 26 places, we will also provide a light buffet lunch and part of the day will involve some self care and wellbeing tips
Look forward to seeing you there
Kind regards
Hilda and Sarah
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