What was the issue that required change?
People with a Learning Disability have a higher level of ill health and premature death in comparison to the population as a whole, particularly with regards to mental ill-health. This project sought to offer a safe environment in which adults with LD and mental health conditions could be enabled to better understand, manage and maintain their own wellbeing.
Newly appointed Advanced Nurse Practitioners in NHS Grampian were keen to explore the wellness and recovery agenda for those with learning disabilities, and hoped to increase their own understanding and insight into their mental health conditions.
How did you tackle it?
Individuals were invited to attend a series of group sessions, along with a carer or family member, which looked at a number of different aspects of care – including, but not limited to, healthy eating, activity, relaxation and keeping busy. Across the course, a wellness plan for each participant was developed.
What was the outcome?
All participants enjoyed the course and came away with their wellness development plans. The group were keen to explore focussed wellness sessions within local day centres and group homes to encourage further and wider participation. There were a number of additional findings, including the requirement to develop accessible literature for people with LD and ensuring inpatient services discharge all patients with mental illness with a wellness plan.
The final report is available here.