‘’This year for Mental Health Awareness Week, we’re focussing on stress. Research has shown that 16 million people experience a mental health problem each year, and stress is a key factor in this. By tackling stress, we can go a long way to tackle mental health problems such as anxiety and depression, and, in some instances,…
mental health
Women’s Health and Wellbeing
This collaborative project will look to support women working within lap-dancing bars as women involved in the sex industry are in need of considerable support. This outreach work aims to empower women and support them to access services such as health, welfare, employability and criminal justice services, thereby improving their health and social care outcomes.
Enabling Recovery
This project offers a safe environment for adults with learning disabilities and mental health conditions can be enabled to better understand, manage and maintain their own wellbeing. The aim will be for each individual to identify what they are like when they are well, and when they are unwell, promoting an individual definition of recovery.
Implementing WRAP
Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP) is a self-management tool used to help individuals take more control over their own wellbeing. This project is designed to enable children to design a personalised WRAP looking at how to manage day to day life. 14 pupils from a school in North Ayrshire will be given the opportunity to take part in workshops.
Mental Health Peer Support Worker
This project will develop and test the role of a Peer support worker in the delivery of community mental health services. The Peer worker will support those most excluded; people with severe and enduring mental health problems to engage in physical activity, for example by leading walks.
Three pieces of advice for a community placement!
Ruth-Ann Welsh, Undergraduate prizewinner for Abertay University offers some words of wisdom. As a first year mental health nursing student I had very little knowledge about the role of a community mental health nurse or the challenges that lay ahead, I would like to start my blog by offering three pieces of advice for students…
Towards a Mentally Flourishing School
The collaborative project seeks to establish an innovative whole-school approach to enable social, emotional and psychological wellbeing throughout the school in order to promote positive behaviours, engagement in education and optimise attainment.