The Queen’s Nursing Institute Scotland currently has two Trustee vacancies due to retiral and relocation of current Council members. The Institute is exploring new horizons and we are keen to find Trustees to guide and support our journey.
QNIS is a fully constituted and independent charity, registered with the Office of the Scottish Charity Regular (OSCR) as a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation or SCIO. SCIO status provides limited liability for Trustees. For more information visit
QNIS Council
The QNIS Council includes up to 15 Trustees.
The QNIS Council meets four times per year to discuss governance issues, and an AGM takes place usually in November. The meetings are held during working hours at our office 31 Castle Terrace, Edinburgh. Council papers are sent out a week in advance.
The Nominations Committee, a sub group of Council will consider applications for the current vacancies.
Roles and Responsibility of QNIS Council Trustees
QNIS Council Trustees have a generic role to ensure that the Charity meets the aims and objectives defined in the QNIS Constitution. All QNIS Trustees act in a voluntary capacity to ensure good governance of the charity. Some Trustees provide more specific expertise, depending on their experience, in relation to strategic development, nursing research, nursing education, nursing policy and practice. Trustees are expected:
- To act as an ambassador for QNIS
- To ensure effective governance of the Charity
- To take collective responsibility for Council decisions
- To share a sense of purpose in the delivery of the aims and objectives of the QNIS Constitution
- To work with staff and Council colleagues to shape the future vision of the charity.
We are particularly interested in applications from those with skills in public participation, community development or experience of working with local government. We are keen to receive applications from people based across Scotland and we have video conferencing facilities in order to enable remote participation.
Successful applicants will be offered an induction programme and opportunities for further training as appropriate.
Please send a CV and supporting statement about your interest in the Trustee role, the work of the charity and the skills and experience which you have to offer to QNIS Council to Dawn Cruse, Business Support Manager ( by .
If you would like an informal conversation about the role please get in touch with Clare Cable, Chief Executive and Nurse Director. ( )
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